Broadcasting started in India in 1927 with two privately owned
transmitters at Mumbai and Calcutta. All India Radio came in to existence
in1936 and came to be known as ‘Akashvani’ form 1957
The mission of AIR is to Produce and Transmit
programmes relating to developmental activities in all their facets including
extension work in agriculture, education, health and family welfare and science
& technology.
All India Radio Farm
& Home Broadcasts:
The commitment of All
India Radio to the rural audience dates back to more than 50 years. Realizing
the contribution of radio towards reaching new agricultural technologies to
farmers of United States of America in 1966, the then Union Minister of
Agriculture BharatRatna C. Subramaniam played an instrumental role in
introducing Farm & Home Units at seven All India Radio (AIR) stations in
the country. This marked the beginning of a new era of farm broadcasting in
India. All India Radio has been dedicated to the service of farming community
since the very beginning of its 'Farm and Home Unit' in 1966
The Farm&Home Programmes were started with a view to serve the
farming community by motivating them through sustained broadcasts, to adopt and
practice scientific methods of cultivation, for increasing Food Production and
Rural Economic Development. Broadcasting scenario has distinctly changed from
time to time with AIR stations covering nearly 99% of the country’s population.
All stations of All India
Radio broadcast Farm & Home programmes directed at rural audience. In fact,
special programmes have been designed to cater to the day to day seasonal needs
of the farming community. To broadcast the latest technology and information
for agricultural output is a continuous process of its Farm & Home
programme. Farm and Home programmes are broadcast by all stations of AIR.
Programmes are designed based on the local day to day needs of the farming
community incorporating latest information and technology for best agricultural
output. These programmes create awareness about the ways & means to improve
the agricultural productivity and quality of the country’s farming community
The programmes are broadcast daily in the morning, noon and
evening. The average duration of Farm & Home broadcast is 60 to 100 minutes
per day. Farm & Home programmes also include programmes for rural women,
rural children and rural Youth..
The farm programmes are having many programme formats. Talk,
interviews, discussions, dialogues, symposia, debates, farm based poetry
recitations, features, radio reports, question and answer programmes, skits,
quiz, jingles, farmers and experts group discussions, kavimela are the popular
programmes .
At present programmes are broadcast for duration of one hour
per day which covers Agriculture and allied subjects, and the subjects are
distributed according to the need to various Departments during every Quarter
(Three months). The subjects for broadcast are drawn up after discussion with
specialists from the concerned Departments.
Apart from the programme production the farm and home radio units
are conducting seminars and exhibitions at AIR Auditorium for farmers which
have immensely helped the farmers in food production. Farmers have participated
and have gained knowledge and various aspects of farming. These seminars and
meetings have been planned and conducted with the help of various state
Government Departments and Universities. The advice and suggestions given by
the experts and scientists in these seminars have been very useful to the
farmers and they have been able to adopt them in their farming operations which
ultimately resulted in increasing farmers in the respective areas depending on
the season and monsoon.
Farm and Home Programmes are giving great importance to the
farmer participation in these programmes. In Crop yield competition, winners,
elite farmers, F.D.G. Conveners, Seed farm growers, farmers have also been
interviewed and have expressed their opinions about their field experiences. In
addition, the farmers facilitated to visit All India Radio Station to meet the
programme officer in charge of Agriculture to discuss their problems and the
officer brings these problems to the notice of the concerned Departmental Heads
and Scientist and seeks their help to solve the problems of the farmers. Every
week farmers contacting the Farm & Home unit either in person or through
letters or through telephone to get clarifications on various technical aspects
of farming and they have been utilizing the knowledge gained in getting a
better harvest. Regular village meetings are arranged by the Farm & Home
Unit at various centers in various districts between groups of farmers and
officials and scientists.
The farmer after having listened to Farm & Home Unit’s
programmes on waste land development, Integrated Pest Management, Utilization
of Pesticides, Agro based industries, Organic farming etc. have been following
the guidelines given in the programmes and have been instrumental in preserving
the environment. They have also now started making use of the new technology
called “Mixed Farming”.
From the day of inauguration, this Farm & Home Units are
conducting Farm School on the AIR lessons for the benefit of farmers. It is to
be pointed out that farmers who have participated in various Farm School
broadcast have now become beacon lights in various farming activities like
Turkey farming, poultry farming, organic farming & Water Management. The
farm school broadcast has been very successful as it helps the farmers to gain
the latest technical knowledge and information on various subjects and
ultimately helps to develop their skill in their farming operations and to
become successful farmers. The Farm & Home broadcast is greatly helping the
farmers in increasing their food production and improving their living
Farm & Home Programmes
playing vital role in the production of Rice, Sugarcane and Oil seeds. After
listening and following the guidelines of Farm & Home broadcast, Farmers,
the rural women who are engaged in the production and sales of agricultural based
value add products have certainly improved their life style.
The Farm & Home
units of AIR broadcast composite programmes including equal segments of rural
development scheme and hard-core agriculture programmes like animal husbandry,
fisheries, dry land and wasteland agriculture and also on segments dwelling on
employment schemes, loan and training facilities, sanitation, health hygiene
and nutrition etc.
From the day it was
started, the farm & home programmes of AIR were felt to be enormously
powerful and effective to realize the objective of the betterment of farming
community. AIR has played a significant part in bringing new technology in
agriculture to the door. These programmes not only provide information about
agriculture but also create awareness about the ways and means to improve the
quality of farmer’s lives.
The phenomenal growth achieved by A.I.R. Farm broadcasts played a
vital role in the green revolution
AIR has stepped up its activities of Agriculture Broadcast with
the launch of exclusive project Mass Media Support to Agriculture Extension
with the title Kisan Vani for AIR from 15th February, 2004 in collaboration
with Ministry of Agriculture. To inform local farmers the daily market rates,
weather reports and day to day activities in their area at micro level. Presently,
"Kisan Vani" is being broadcast from 96 FM stations of AIR.
Now all the Local Radio Stations (LRS) of All India Radio along
with some primary channel stations spread over the length and breadth of the
country have been producing and broadcasting Kisanvani Programme.
The thrust of Kisanvani Programme is to educate the farmers on the
subjects such as diversified cropping pattern, advance agricultural practices,
animal husbandry, poultry farming, fisheries, horticulture, rural banking &
self employment schemes and other allied activities.
Kisanvani encompasses a wide spectrum of formats having almost all
the ingredients of a good agriculture programme, like 'Aaj ki Khabrein' (news
of the day), 'Aaj Ka Bazar'(today's market), 'Aaj ka Mausam' (weather
information), 'Aaj Ki Batein' (special mention of the day), 'Aaj Ke Kisan' (the
farmer of today, interview based) and 'Desh Videsh' news from the country and
abroad). Moreover, it is different from the conventional Farm and Home
Programme of AIR in its approach and focus. Kisanvani Programmes are being
broadcasting all the major languages and dialects spoken in the coverage area. Kisanvani
programme was slowly but steadily spreading among new audience over years
Radio Kisan Diwas
AII India Radio observes 15th February as Radio Kisan
Diwas over all its stations by mounting special programmes on the occasion. Farmers who
get benefited by the information disseminated through agricultural programmes
on AIR, share their experiences with other fellow farmers in their regional
Indian Council of Agricultural Research signed a contract with
Prasar Bharti, All India Radio for dissemination of agricultural technologies
to various stakeholders by using a dedicated time slot at 7:05 – 7:30 pm on
every Friday. The radio programme is available on Indraprastha Channel for
listeners on MW 819 KHtzs i.e. 366.3 mts. across the country.
This radio programme, Krishi Jagat includes features, success
stories, and discussion forum, on agricultural research, education and
extension by involving scientists, farmers, entrepreneurs and policy makers
from different fields.
All India Radio stations
in Andhra Pradesh and Agricultural Programmes.
The AIR Stations in AP are
facilitating to disseminate agricultural information to large number of
farmers. Vyavasaya Samacharam a ten-minute duration programme on every day from
6.50 to 7.00 PM is broadcasted on Hyderabad station on different topics and the
same is relayed by all the other Radio Stations in the entire State.
Besides this, the scientists participate in the interviews on
Radio and answer to the farmer's letters. The University scientists are also
participating in the Phone-in-live programmes conducted by different All India
Radio stations across the State.
All India Radio stations are broadcasting the questions and
answers sent to them in their agriculture programmes every week.
The AIR Stations broadcast weather base agricultural information
twice a week for the benefit of farmers. It also gives special messages at the
time of floods, droughts, pest and disease outbreaks etc.
Broadcasts provide the first hand information to the Farmers about
new crops, latest research, Water management pest management and other new technologies.
It acts as a Connecting link between Farmers, Departmental officials &
Scientists Provided that Radio support to the various schemes taken up by the
Governments from time to time. Programme contributes in the promotion of
Agriculture Food Production and development of Agricultural economy in the
state. Broadcasts Lab to Land programme educates the poorest of the poor
systematically on various aspects of Agricultural Science & Allied
subjects. It plays an active role in promoting progress in the areas of Green,
White, and Blue & Red Revolutions. Microphone travels to the nook and
corner of villages and unreachable tribal villages
All India Radio provides
extensive programmes on land and water conservation, sustainable agriculture,
biotechnology, integrated pest management in crops, crop insurance schemes,
environment protection, disaster management and role of panchayats in rural
development etc. These programmes are produced with the help of subject matter
All India Radio maintains a very close liaison with the Ministries
and Departments of agriculture & rural development of central and state
governments. The programmes are mounted in local and dialect from different
stations. Local Radio Stations also broadcast regular programmes on rural
development in different formats. Dialogues, discussions, talks, interviews,
features, serials, dramas, slogans, jingles, phone-in-programmes, musical
features and farm school on AIR etc. are used to convey the message through
For creating environmental consciousness among the listeners on
preservation of environment through development of forests, a forestation,
social forestry, farm forestry etc. special programmes are broadcasted in an interesting
and imaginative ways. All AIR Stations are broadcasting these programmes in
their local languages in different formats like talks, discussions, features,
current affairs information items, spots, serials etc. All the AIR Stations are
broadcasting a daily programme on Environment for 5 to 7 minutes duration and a
weekly programme of longer duration for more than a decade.
All India Radio has adopted a multilingual approach for its
broadcasts of programmes on environment, forestry, wildlife and ecological balance
etc. World day to combat
desertification is also observed by AIR stations every year to create awareness
about land degradation and desertification. . In view of its importance,
cultivating awareness about wildlife and forest conservation is treated by AIR
as a challenge and emphasis is given on developmental activities.
Role of Farm and Home Radio Programme in the Development of
Agriculture- Maa. Thamizhpparithi & Dr.R.Subramani
Media support to agriculture; Grace Kujur, M.N. Jha B.N.
Chaudhary, D.C. Kabdal, V.S. Deepkumar, R.C. Singh, P.A. DeshmukhTop of Form
ICAR Report.
A History of All India Radio and Its
Operations-Srividya Vaidyanathan
ANGARU-AIR Agricultural Programmes.
Proggya Ghatak
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