· There shall be a Governor for each state
(Articles 153 of the Constitution of India).
· The executive power of the State shall be
vested in the Governor and shall be exercised by him either directly or through
officers subordinate to him in accordance with the Constitution of India
(Article 154)
· The Governor of a State shall be appointed
by the President by warrant under his hand and seal (Article 155).
· A person to be eligible for appointment as
Governor should be citizen of India and has completed age of 35 years (Article
· The Governor shall not be a member of the
Legislature or Parliament; shall not hold any office of profit, shall be
entitled to emoluments and allowances. (Article 158)
· Every Governor and every person
discharging the function of the Governor shall make a subscribe an oath or
Affirmation (Article 159).
· The President may make such a provision as
he thinks fit for the discharge of the functions of the Governor of a State in
any contingency not provided for in Chapter II of the Constitution.(Article
· The Governor shall have the power to grant
pardons, reprieves, etc. (Article 161).
· There shall be council of Ministers with
the Chief Minister at the head to aid and advice the Governor in the exercise
of his functions except in so far as he is by or under the Constitution
required to exercise his functions or any of them in his discretion.
(Article 163).
· The Governor appoints Chief Minister and
other Ministers.
(Article 164).
(Article 164).
· The Governor appoints the Advocate General
for the State. (Article 165).
· All executive actions, of the Governor of
a State shall be expressed to be taken in the name of Governor. (Article 166).
· The Governor shall from time to time
summon and prorogue the House and dissolve the Legislative Assembly. (Article
· The Governor may address the Legislative
Assembly....; The Governor may send messages to the House. (Article 175).
· Special Address to the House by the
Governor. (Article 176).
· The Governor assents, withholds assent or
reserves for the consideration of the Bill passed by the Legislative Assembly.
(Article 200).
· The Governor shall in respect of every
financial year cause to be laid before the House.... a statement of the
estimated receipts and expenditure.(Article 202).
· No demand for a grant shall be made except
on the recommendation of the Governor. (Article 203(3)).
· The Governor shall ........cause to be
laid before the House another statement showing estimated amount of
expenditure. (Article 205).
· The Governor may promulgate the ordinances
under certain circumstances. (Article 213).
· The Governor is consulted for appointment
of Judges of High Court. (Article 217).
Powers and functions of the Governor
Governor enjoys many different types of powers:
· Executive powers related to
administration, appointments and removals,
· Legislative powers related to lawmaking
and the state legislature, that is Vidhan Sabha
or Vidhan Parishad,
· Discretionary powers to be carried out
according to the discretion of the Governor.
Discretionary powers
the Governor has to act on the aid and advice of the Council of ministers
headed by the Chief Minister. However, there are situations when the Governor
has to act as per his/her own judgement and take decisions on his own. These
are called the discretionary powers of the Governor. The Governor exercises
them in the following cases:
In the appointment of the Chief Minister
of a state
When no
party gets a majority in the Vidhan Sabha, the Governor can either ask the
leader of the single largest party or the consensus leader of two or more
parties (that is, a coalition party) to form the government. The Governor then
appoints the leader of the largest party to Chief Minister.
In informing the President of the failure
of constitutional machinery in a state
Governor can send a report to the President informing him or her that the
State's constitutional functioning has been compromised and recommending the
President impose "President's rule" upon the state.
Though in
the exercise of all his powers the Governor is aided and advised by the Council
of Ministers, in the exercise of his discretionary powers the Governor is not
required to act according to the advice of his Ministers or even to seek such
advice. If any question arises as to whether a matter is or is not a matter for
which the Governor is not required by the Constitution to act in his
discretion, the decision of the Governor is final.
Following are the functions which are
specially required by the Constitution to be exercised by the Governor in his discretion:
(a) Article 239(2) authorizes the President to
appoint the Governor of a State as the administrator of an adjoining Union
Territory and where he is so appointed,
he exercises his functions as administrator ‘independently of his Council of
(b) Article 371(2) provides that “the
President may by order made with respect to the State of Maharashtra or Gujarat,
provide for any special responsibility
of the Governor for
(c) The establishment of separate development
boards for Vidarbha, Marathwada Saurashtra, Kutch and the rest of Gujarat;
(d) The equitable allocation of funds for
developmental expenditure over the said areas, subject to the requirement of the
State as a whole; and
(e) An equitable arrangement providing
adequate facilities for technical education and vocational training, and
adequate opportunities for employment in services under the control of the
State Government, in respect of all the said areas. Subject to the requirements
of the State as a whole.”
(f) Article 371 A( l)(b) states that “the
Governor of Nagaland shall have special responsibility with respect to law and order in the State of
Nagaland for so long as in his opinion
internal disturbances occurring in
the Naga Hills-Tuensang area immediately before the formation of the
State continue therein or in any part thereof and in the discharge of his
functions in relation thereto the
Governor shall, after consulting the Council of Ministers, exercise his
individual judgment as to the action to
be taken.”
(g) Similarly, Article 371C(1) empowers the
President to direct that the Governor of Manipur shall have special responsibility to secure the
proper functioning of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the State
consisting of the members elected from the Hill areas of the State.
(h) Article 371F (g) imposes on the Governor
of Sikkim, a “special responsibility for peace and for an equitable arrangement
for ensuring the social and economic advancement of different sections of the
population of Sikkim” and further states that “in the discharge of his special
responsibility under this clause, the Governor of Sikkim shall, subject to such
directions as the President may, from time to time deem fit to issue, act in
his discretion.”
The report to the President under Article
356 that a situation
has arisen in which the Government of State cannot be carried on in accordance
with the provisions of the Constitution is made by the Governor in his own
discretion. The Governor is also the
medium through which the Union keeps itself informed as to “whether the State is
complying with the Directives issued by the Union from time to time.
after a President’s rule is imposed in the State, the Governor acts as the agent of the President as regards
those functions of the State Government which have been assumed by the President
under the proclamation of emergency.
In some
other matters, such as the
reservation of a Bill for consideration of the President, the Governor
may not always be in agreement with his Council of Ministers, particularly when
the Governor happens to belong to party other than that of the Ministry. In
such cases, the Governor may be justified in acting without Ministerial advice,
if he considers that the Bill in question would affect the powers of the Union
or contravene any of the provisions of the Constitution even though his
Ministry may be of a different opinion.
The role and position of the Governor of a
State in India.
The head
of the states is called the Governor, who is the constitutional head of the
state as the President is for the whole of India. The Governor is
usually a distinguished elder states man, who can discharge his rather
perfunctory duties with dignity and who is on a position to exercise what Gandhi
called an "all pervading moral influence.
position of Governor of the State is the same as that of the President of the
Union. Theoretically, he
is the chief administrator. But in practice, it is not so. The Constitution provides that the Governor
shall function with the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers, headed by a
Chief Minister. Even in the exercise of his discretionary powers, the Governor
is not free in the sense that he has to act under instructions from the
President of India or in accordance with some set conventions.
instance, it is a set convention that the Governor invites only the leader of
the majority party in the Assembly to be the Chief Minister since only such a
leader is capable of forming a stable Government. If no party has a clear
majority, the Governor invites the leader of the largest single party to form
the Government. Thus, it is only in the
latter instance that he uses his discretion. In summoning, proroguing or
dissolving the House, the Governor has to seek the advice of the Ministers.
Governor is a ceremonial head of the state. The constitution provides for a
council of ministers with a Chief Minister at the head to aid and advise the
Governor in the exercise of this functions except when he can act at his
discretion. The council of ministers is collectively responsible to the state
Legislative Assembly.
All the
executive powers are exercised by the cabinet in the name of the Governor who
acts constitutionally on the advice of the council of Ministers. The
constitution, however, specifically lay down that except in matters where the
Governor is required to act in his discretion, he shall not be bound to follow
the advice of the council of Ministers, but act in his discretion.
If any
question regarding the exercise of the discretion of the Governor arises, the
decision of the Governor shall not be called in question on the grouped that he
ought or ought not to have acted in his discretion. The courts of the land do
not have the power to question the action of the Governor taken in his
discretion and the decision of the Governor shall be final.
It is pointed
out by the study team on Union- State relations appointed by the Administrative
Reforms Commission that the following functions fall within the discretionary
powers of the Governor in his role as the head of the State Government.
Appointment of Chief Minister,
Dismissal of ministry;
Dissolution of legislature;
Right to advise, warn and suggest;
Withhold assent from a bill; and
Discretionary powers of the Governor of Assam, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh,
Sikkim, Mizoram, Tripura and Meghalaya.
Governor as agent of the centre:
from being the constitutional head of a state, the Governor also acts as the
agent or representative of the Central Government. In fact he is the only
constitutional link between the center and the states. As his appointment is
made by the President of India on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, he
is inclined to remain more loyal to the center than to the states.He ensures that the directives issued by the center to the states are carried out and the Government of the state is carried on in accordance with the provisions of the constitution. It is on the recommendations of the Governor that the President usually issues a proclamation of emergency in the state on account of constitutional breakdown of the state machinery.
after the state is placed under President is rule the Governor is the chief
representative of the President in the State Jo run the administration of the
state on his behalf. When President's Rule, has been imposed on a state the
Governor ceases to be a constitutional ruler of the state and acts as an agent
of the President.
· V. V. Giri, the Former Governor of Mysore, called he to be an 'Ambassador' of the Central
Government to the state administration.
· Governor Sri Prakasa also called himself an "agent of the center".
Governor holds a key position in the state and is a hyphen which binds the
relations of the state with the center He is the link that faster the federal
state chain, the channel which regulates union-state relations.Thus Governor represents the center in the state, and the state at the center That he does in his periodic reports to the President, in his meetings with the President and, at the time of the Governor's conferences. It is he who helps in building up the image of the state and of the state Government at the center He focuses on the needs and the interests of the state at the central level.
As a
matter of fact, the terms agent' and 'constitutional head' are two independent
contradictory things in the sense that the Constitutional Head is supposed to
be impartial, where as an agent is always partial.
were so Powerless during the 1950-67 period that some of them wondered whether
the office they held was of any consequence of all.
· In his article entitled. "The Governor at work'.
K.V. Rao has quoted Sarojini Naidu, Governor of U P, as having said that she
considered herself as a bird in a golden cage.
· Dr. Pattabhai Sitaramaya observes that he had no public function to perform
except making fort nightly reports to the President when Nehru was asked
directly as to what were the functions of Governors, he replied, to entertain
the people and make them feel pleased.
· Sri Prakasa and Vijaylakshmi Pandit who were former Governors complained
that the office of the Governor was redundant. They pleaded that the office of
the Governor may either be abolished or given certain functions to perform.
· Prof. K.V. Rao asserts, "One of the causalities of the Nehru era is
the state Governor". The role of the Governor was restricted in the Nehru
era because there was one political party that was in power in the center as
well as in most of the states.
this period, the channels through which the interaction between the states and
the center took place were outside the office of the Governor and therefore
they did not have much opportunity of playing an important role.
Governors came into great prominence after 1967 when they were faced with
difficult situation especially as no one political party could secure a clean
majority. This provided Governors an opportunity to exercise their
discretionary powers.
It was
argued that the (Governors were exercising their constitutional powers neither
in their discretion nor according to their individual judgment but according to
the advice of-the Prime Minister who was abusing the office to advance her own
interests and those of her party.
foregoing analysis would show that the key issue concerning the office of the
Governor today is not one of rehabilitation but of role differentiation. The
problem of role differentiation which could not take place and get institution
aliased so far largely on account of one party dominance has assumed such
serious proportions today as to become a case of crisis of confidence in the
political system itself.
Governor has a double role to play one as constitutional head of the state and
the other as agent of the center We may argue that the expression 'agent of
the center is not a happy expression in so far as it is un-federal, it not
anti-federal, we could perhaps speak of the obligations of the Governor as head
of the state and of his constitutional responsibilities vis-à-vis the center.Two premises may be developed to delineate his role in this regard. Generally speaking, there is no overlap between the two roles except where otherwise specifically provided, the role of the Governor as a so-called agent of the center starts where his role as constitutional head of the state ends.
Secondly, we may also add that there is another line of demarcation in the Governor's role as constitutional head of the state has primacy over his role as agent of the center as the former relates to periods of normally and the latter to emergency situations. If these two premises are accepted, the two roles could be easily reconciled.
We may conclude that the Governor
has two important roles to play. As the representative or the centre in the
state, it is his responsibility to see that the federal balance and political
stability are not sought to be destroyed or under mind. In his role as the head
of the state Government, he has discretionary powers.
He is not merely a figurehead or a nominal head, or a passive spectator.
But the exact range of his powers would greatly depend upon the political
situation that exists in the state. If there is great deal of political harmony
in the state, the burden of the Governor is greatly reduced.
If there is great deal of political discharge money in the state and
political stability is being undermined the role of the Governor naturally
becomes much larger. The Governor is an essential part of our federal system. The success of this system depends on
the personality of the Governor, his knowledge and ability to solve the
problems in an impartial manner.
In the opinion of
The Ex-President of India Sri APJ Kalam the Governor should possess the
qualities of integrity, impartiality, and obedience to the constitution, be
transparent and he should work to protect the interests of common man,
downtrodden and the minorities of the State.
The Sarkaria Commission submitted its report to the Union Government on October 27, 1987. It focused upon the role of the Governor
and gave the following recommendations
regarding the Governor:
The appointment of the Governor
1. He should be a
man of some eminence in some field.
2. He should not belong to the State where he has to serve as the Governor.
3. He should be a detached figure
with little record of participation in thelocal
politics of the State.
4. He should be a person who has
not taken too great a part in politics generally, particularly in the recent past.
5. Preference should continue to
be given to the minority groups as hitherto.
6. It is desirable that a
politician from the ruling party at the Centre should not be made the Governor of a State run by another party
or a coalition of parties.
7. Article 155 of the Constitution should be suitably amended to ensure effective
consultation with the Chief Minister
of a State while appointing a
Governor in that State.
8. The Vice-President of India and the Speaker
of the Lok Sabha should also be
consulted while making this appointment though this consultation should be
‘confidential’, ‘informal’ and not a matter of constitutional obligations.







The above-mentioned recommendations show that the Sarkaria Commission has made many suggestions regarding the appointment of the Governor. According to Sarkaria Commission between 1947-1986 out
of 154, 104 Governors did not complete their term of office.
Sarkaria Commission on Discretionary
Powers of the Governor
163 (1) reads as follows:
There shall be a Council of Ministers with the Chief Minister as the head to aid and advice the Governor in the exercise
of his functions, except in so far as he is by or under this Constitution
required to exercise his functions or any of them in his discretion.
Article 163 (2) 1 as:
If any
question arises whether any matter
is or is not a matter as respect which the Governor
is by or under this Constitution required to act in his discretion, the decision of the Governor
in his discretion shall be final and the validity of anything done by the Governor shall not be called in question on the ground that he ought or ought not to have acted in his
Some of the States demanded the deletion
of the discretionary powers of the Governor but the Commission
rejected it. Instead, it suggested that Article 163 should be left untouched.
Hence, it proposed the continuance
of this power but it also said that it should be used only as a last resort.
The Sarkaria Commission on central-state relations has recommended that Article 356
must be used "very sparingly, in extreme cases, as a measure of last
resort, when all the other alternatives fail to prevent or rectify a breakdown
of constitutional machinery in the state
Important Supreme Court
Rulings regarding Governor of a State:
The Supreme Court has expressly lain down that Governorship is an
independent constitutional office which is not subject to the control of the
Government of India.
1. S.
R. Bommai v. Union of India.
S. R. Bommai v. Union of India was
a landmark in the history of the Indian Constitution regarding the position of
the Article 356 of the Constitution.
- It
was in this case that the Supreme Court boldly marked out the paradigm and
limitations within which Article 356 was to function.
- It can be seen from the conclusions of this Bench
of the Supreme Court that the President's power under Article 356 is not
absolute or arbitrary. The President cannot impose Central rule on a State
at his whim, without reasonable cause.
- The Supreme Court established strict guidelines for imposing
President's rule.
- We can safely conclude that, though limited, the Presidential Proclamation under Article 356 is subject to judicial review.
In the words
of Soli Sorabjee, eminent jurist and former Solicitor-General of India, 'After
the Supreme Court's judgment in the S. R. Bommaicase, it is well settled that Article 356 is an extreme
power and is to be used as a last resort in cases where it is manifest that there
is an impasse and the constitutional machinery in a State has collapsed.
2. B.P. Singhal vs Union of India
In a PIL (Civil W.P. No 296 of 2004, B.P.
Singhal v. Union of India) the Supreme Court on Friday, 7th may
2010, ruled that the governors cannot be removed on grounds of “lack of
confidence” or “conflict of political and ideological opinions” with the party
in power at the centre.
In the famous BP
Singhal Vs Union of India case Supreme Court gave a historical ruling over the
position of the Governor of a State. It
made it clear that The Governor should be guardian of the Constitution and not
to any political party. He is neither the agent nor the employee of the Union
government. The Governor can be removed only in the special, rare and extraordinary circumstances only.
A constitution bench of
Chief Justice K.G. Balakrishnan, Justice S.H. Kapadia, Justice B.
Sudarshan Reddy, Justice R.V. Raveendran and Justice P. Sathasivam said the
arbitrary removal of a governor was subject to a “limited judicial review”.
The court gave its verdict while disposing off a petition
challenging the removal of the then governors of Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat,
Haryana and Goa July 2, 2004 by the United Progressive
Alliance government after it took over from the Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance. Supreme Court finds fault
with the UPA government’s decision of removing the governors of UP, Haryana,
Gujarat, Gao in 2004.
following are the conclusions:
· (1) Under Article 156(1), the Governor holds office during
the pleasure of the President. Therefore,
the President can remove the Governor from office at any time without assigning any reason and without giving
any opportunity to show cause.
· (ii) Though no reason need be assigned for discontinuance of
the pleasure resulting in removal, the
power under Article 156(1) cannot be exercised in an arbitrary, capricious or unreasonable manner. The power
will have to be exercised in rare and
exceptional circumstances for valid and compelling reasons. The compelling reasons are not restricted to those
enumerated by the petitioner (that is
physical/mental disability, corruption and behavior unbecoming of a Governor) but are of a wider amplitude.
What would be compelling reasons would
depend upon the facts and circumstances of each case.
· (iii) A Governor cannot be removed on the ground that he is
out of sync with the policies and
ideologies of the Union Government or the party in power at the Centre. Nor can he be removed on the ground
that the Union Government has lost
confidence in him. It follows therefore that change in government at Centre is not a ground for removal of
Governors holding office to make way for
others favored by the new government.
· (iv) As there is no need to assign reasons, any removal as
a consequence of withdrawal of the pleasure will be assumed to be valid
and will be open to only a limited judicial review. If the aggrieved
person is able to demonstrate primafacie that his removal was either
arbitrary, malafide, capricious or whimsical, the court will call upon the
Union Government to disclose to the court, the material upon which the
President had taken the decision to withdraw the pleasure. If the Union
Government does not disclose any reason, or if the reasons disclosed are
found to be irrelevant, arbitrary, whimsical, or malafide, the court will
interfere. However, the court will not interfere merely on the ground that a
different view was possible or that the material or reasons were
Holding that the role of the Governor, as the head of the
State Executive, was confirmed to tendering pardon to a convict and not beyond,
the Supreme Court in a recent decision [Narayan Dutt v. State of Punjab] set
aside the order of the Governor holding that the convict was innocent. The
Court held that such a declaration was only within the competence of the Courts
and such a decision could not be taken by the Governor in exercising his rights
under Article 161 of the Constitution of India. The Court affirmed the decision of the High Court which
had set aside the order of pardon granted by the Governor as being extraneous to
the powers conferred upon the Governor.
Governors of states of
Social Science – Part II:
Indian National Council of Educational Research and Training textbook
Essays on the role and
position of the Governor of a State-
Role of a state governor -V P Gupta,
H.A. Gani, Governor
in the Indian Constitution.
Gehlot, The Office of the Governor—Its Constitutional Image
and Reality.
Bakshi, The Constitution of India.
R.P. Nainta, Governor under the Indian Constitution.
Sarkaria Commission
Sibranjan Chatterjee, Governor’s Role
in the Indian Constitution.
Role of the Governor and Multiparty System.
AP Telugu Academy 2nd
BA Political Science- Indian Govt., and Politics Text Book
- Supreme Court of India
S.R. Bommai vs Union Of India on 11
March, 1994
Bench: R P S., Ian, A Ahmadi, K
Singh, J.S.Verma, P Sawant, K Ramaswamy, S Agrawal, Y Dayal, B J Reddy CASE
NO.: Appeal (civil) 3645 of 1989
- Supreme Court of India
B.P. Singhal vs Union Of India
& Anr. on 7 May, 2010
Bench: K.G. Balakrishnan, S.H.
Kapadia, R.V. Raveendran, B. Sudershan Reddy, P. Sathasivam WRIT PETITION
(CIVIL) NO.296 OF 2004
- Supreme Court of India
Narayan Dutt & Ors. vs State Of
Punjab & Anr. on 24 February, 2011
Bench: G.S. Singhvi, Asok Kumar
Ganguly CIVIL APPEAL NO.2058 OF 2011
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