Human Rights are generally defined as
the rights which every human being is entitled to enjoy and to have protected.
Human rights are commonly
understood as "inalienable fundamental rights to
which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human
Human Rights mean the rights relating
to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the individual guaranteed under the
Constitution or embodied in the International Covenants and enforceable by
Human rights are thus conceived
as universal (applicable
everywhere) and egalitarian (the
same for everyone). These rights may exist as natural rights or
as legal rights, in both national and international
law. The struggle for the recognition of human rights and
the struggle against political, economic, social and cultural oppression,
against injustice and inequalities, have been an integral part of the history
of all human societies.
Historical Background.
The origins of the contemporary
conception of human rights can be traced to the period of the Renaissance and
later of the Enlightenment of which humanism may be said to be the heart and
soul. The issue of fundamental or (also called) human rights became an issue of
prominence and fundamental significance since the last two hundred years only.
1.Right to equality
2) Right to
3 Right
against exploitation
Right to Life
Human rights are commonly
understood as "inalienable fundamental rights to
which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human
Human Rights mean the rights relating
to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the individual guaranteed under the
Constitution or embodied in the International Covenants and enforceable by
Human rights are thus conceived
as universal (applicable
everywhere) and egalitarian (the
same for everyone). These rights may exist as natural rights or
as legal rights, in both national and international
law. The struggle for the recognition of human rights and
the struggle against political, economic, social and cultural oppression,
against injustice and inequalities, have been an integral part of the history
of all human societies.
Historical Background.
The origins of the contemporary
conception of human rights can be traced to the period of the Renaissance and
later of the Enlightenment of which humanism may be said to be the heart and
soul. The issue of fundamental or (also called) human rights became an issue of
prominence and fundamental significance since the last two hundred years only.
First of all Magna Carta (Charter of Liberty)
was promulgated on June 15, 1215.
In 1225 King Andrew II of Hungary issued the
Golden Bill in the words of Magna Carta.
In 1283 King Peter III of Aragon bestowed upon
his subjects the Law of Privileges
In 1355 British Parliament re-affirmed the
declaration of Magna Carta and introduced the words due process of law. It
stated, No man of what state or condition so ever he be, shall be put out of
his lands or tenements nor taken nor imprisoned nor put to death, without he be
brought in to answer by due process of law.
In 1689 the British Parliament passed the Bill
of Rights which Lord Acton described as the greatest thing done by the English
In 1690 John Locke propagated theory of social
contract attempting to reconcile sovereignty and democracy.
There were two great revolutions at the end of
18th century, in America and in France inspired by philosophers like Samuel
Adams, Jefferson, Rousseau and Kant who emphasized on the Law of Nature and the
natural rights of man.
Similarly in Virginia in 1776, Declaration of
Rights was promulgated which guaranteed freedom of press and religion, rights
to jury trial and other safeguards of a criminal trial. It made the military
authorities to civil power and provided for free elections.
In 1776 there was also the declaration of
American independence drafted by John Locke. The preamble read: All men are
created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable
rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
In 1789 the American Congress passed the Bill of
Rights in the shape of ten amendments of the Constitution
While in France the French Assembly adopted the
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. It recited: Men are born free
and equal in rights, aim of every political association is the preservation of
the practical and imperceptible right of man. The rights are liberty, property,
security and resistance to oppression.
The fourth Amendment of the American
constitution in 1868 stipulated: No state shall deprive any person of life,
liberty or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person within
its jurisdiction, the equal protection of law.
In the 18th and 19th centuries the basic human
rights were included in the constitutions of various nations, Sweden, Spain,
Norway, Belgium, Sardinia, Denmark and Switzerland, Russia, Turkey, China, etc
In 1917 the Declaration of the Rights of the
working and Exploited People was issued by the All-Russian Congress of Soviets.
In 1930 on January,26th people of all
over India taken the Pledge of Independence at thousands of meeting held all
over the country.
In 1931 March, the Indian National Congress in
its session at Karachi adopted the resolution of Fundamental Rights and
Economic Programme.
In 1941 President Roosevelt stressed on four
freedoms, Freedom of speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Want and Freedom
from Fear.
The same year Winston Churchill wanted to ensure
that the war ended, with the enthronement of human rights.
France in the preamble of its Constitution of
1946 reaffirmed: Every human being without distinction of race, religion or
belief possesses inalienable and sacred rights.
The 1946 Constitution of Japan provided: The
people shall not be prevented from enjoying any of the fundamental rights.
On 22nd January 1947, the Constituent
Assembly of India adopted the resolution of India’ Charter of Freedom.
During the last decades the emphasis on fundamental
rights reached its climax with the formation of the UNO after the Second World
War and the subsequent drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The United Nations Charter which came in to effect
on 24th October 1945, reflected the aspirations of the peoples who
affirmed faith in ‘fundamental human rights’ and ‘in the dignity and worth of
the human person’.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by
representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions
of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General
Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 General
Assembly resolution 217 A (III) (French)
as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. It sets
out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected.
International treaties
In 1966, the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) were
adopted by the United Nations, between them making the rights contained
in the UDHR binding on all states that have signed this treaty, creating
human-rights law.
Since then numerous other treaties (pieces of legislation)
have been offered at the international level. They are generally known
as human rights instruments. Some of the most significant, referred to
(with ICCPR and ICESCR) as "the seven core treaties", are:
Convention on
the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
(adopted 1966, entry into force: 1969)
Convention on
the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
(adopted 1979, entry into force: 1981)
United Nations Convention against
Torture (CAT) (adopted 1984, entry into force: 1984)
United Nations Declaration on the Right to
Development adopted1986
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
(adopted 1989, entry into force: 1989)
The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
1993 (Endorsed by the General Assembly of the United Nations).
Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members
of their Families (ICRMW or more often MWC) (adopted
1990, entry into force: 2003)
Convention on
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) (adopted 2006,
entry into force: 2008)
Human rights Enshrined in Indian
Human Rights in Indian Constitution can be found in
the Preamble of the Constitution of India, Part III of the Constitution on
Fundamental Rights and Part IV of the Constitution on Directive Principles, which
together have been described as forming the core of the Constitution which
together reflect the basic principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and the Covenants on Civil and Political Rights, Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights, and Part IVA of the Constitution on Fundamental Duties, Articles
300A,325 and 326.
The Preamble to the Constitution of
India is a brief introductory statement that sets out the guiding purpose and
principles of the document.
That the preamble is not an integral part of
the Indian constitution was first decided
upon by the Supreme Court of India in the Beru Bari case, therefore it is not
enforceable in a court of law. However, the Supreme Court of India has, in
the Kesavananda case, recognized
that the preamble may be used to interpret ambiguous areas of the constitution
where differing interpretations present themselves. In the 1995 case of Union
Government Vs LIC of India also the Supreme Court has once again held that the
Preamble is an integral part of the Constitution.
As originally enacted the preamble described the
state as a "sovereign democratic republic".
In 1976 the Forty-second
Amendment changed this to read "sovereign socialist secular
democratic republic".
WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved
to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
2)The Fundamental Rights
The Fundamental rights are defined as basic human
freedoms which every Indian citizen has the right to enjoy for
a proper and harmonious development of personality.
These rights universally apply to all citizens,
irrespective of race, place of birth, religion, caste, creed, color or Gender. They
are enforceable by the courts, subject to certain restrictions
The six fundamental
rights recognized by the constitution are.
1.Right to equality
Right to
equality is an important right provided for in Articles 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
of the constitution. It is the principal foundation of all other rights and
liberties, and guarantees the following:
Equality before law: Article 14 of the
constitution guarantees that all
citizens shall be equally protected by the laws of the country. It means that
the State [5] cannot discriminate any of the Indian citizens on the basis
of their caste, creed, colour, sex, gender, religion or place of birth.
Social equality and
equal access to public areas: Article 15 of the constitution states that
no person shall be discriminated on the basis of caste, colour, language etc.
Every person shall have equal access to public places like public parks,
museums, wells, bathing ghats and temples etc.
Equality in matters of
public employment: Article 16 of the constitution lays down that the
State cannot discriminate against anyone in the matters of employment. All
citizens can apply for government jobs. There are some exceptions.
Abolition of
untouchability: Article 17 of the constitution abolishes the practice of untouchability. Practice of untouchability is an offense and anyone doing
so is punishable by law
Abolition of Titles: Article
18 of the constitution prohibits the State from conferring any titles. Citizens
of India cannot accept titles from a foreign State. However, Military and academic distinctions can be conferred on the citizens of India. The
awards of Bharat Ratna and Padma Vibhushan cannot be used by the recipient as a title.
2) Right to
Constitution of India contains the right to freedom, given in articles 19, 20,
21 and 22, with the view of guaranteeing individual rights that were considered
vital by the framers of the constitution.
The right to
freedom in Article 19 guarantees the following six freedoms:
Freedom of speech and expression, which
enable an individual to participate in public activities.. Reasonable
restrictions can be imposed in the interest of public order, security of State,
decency or morality.
Freedom to assemble
peacefully without arms, on which the
State can impose reasonable restrictions in the interest of public order and
the sovereignty and integrity of India.
Freedom to form
associations or unions on which the State
can impose reasonable restrictions on this freedom in the interest of public
order, morality and the sovereignty and integrity of India.
Freedom to move
freely throughout the territory of India though reasonable restrictions can be
imposed on this right in the interest of
the general public
Freedom to reside
and settle in any part of the territory of India which is also subject to reasonable restrictions by the
State in the interest of the general public or for the protection of the scheduled tribes
Freedom to practice
any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business on which the State may impose reasonable restrictions in
the interest of the general public
constitution guarantees the right to life and personal liberty, which in turn
cites specific provisions in which these rights are applied and enforced:
with respect to conviction for offences is guaranteed in the right to life and
personal liberty.
According to Article 20,
- No one can be awarded punishment which is more than what the law of the land prescribes at that time.
- Moreover, no
person accused of any offence shall be compelled to be a witness against
- The other
principle enshrined in this article is no person can be convicted twice
for the same offence
- Protection of
life and personal liberty is also stated under right to life and personal
Declares that no
citizen can be denied his life and liberty except by law.
Article 21(A)
Makes a fundamental
right of every child to get free and compulsory education.
Rights of a person
arrested under ordinary circumstances are laid down in the right to life and
personal liberty.
Article 22
No one can be arrested
without being told the grounds for his arrest.
constitution also imposes restrictions on these rights. The government
restricts these freedoms in the interest of the independence, sovereignty and
integrity of India. In the interest of morality and public order, the
government can also impose restrictions. However, the right to life and
personal liberty cannot be suspended. The six freedoms are also automatically
suspended or have restrictions imposed on them during a state of emergency
3 Right
against exploitation
The right
against exploitation, given in Articles 23 and 24, provides for two provisions,
Article 23
Article 24
· Abolition of employment of children below the age of 14
years in dangerous jobs like factories and mines. .
An exception
is made in employment without payment for compulsory services for public
purposes. Compulsory military conscription is covered by this provision
4) Right to freedom of religion
Right to freedom
of religion, covered in Articles 25, 26, 27 and 28,
Article 23
Article 24
· Religious communities can set up charitable institutions of
their own.
Article 25
· No person shall be compelled to pay taxes for the promotion
of a particular religion
Article 26
· State run institution cannot impart education that is
5) Cultural and educational rights
Articles 29
and 30 are there to protect the rights of the minorities.
Article 29
· Any community which has a language and a script of its own
has the right to conserve and develop it. No citizen can be discriminated
against for admission in State or State aided institutions
Article 30
· All minorities, religious or linguistic, can set up their
own educational institutions to preserve and develop their own culture. In
granting aid to institutions, the State cannot discriminate against any
institution on the basis of the fact that it is administered by a minority
Right to Life
In recent judgment
Supreme Court of India extended scope of right to life which was mentioned
6) Right to constitutional remedies
This right
covered under Article 32 of the Constitution.
Article 32 empowers
the citizens to move a court of law in case of any denial of the fundamental rights.
This procedure
of asking the courts to preserve or safeguard the citizens' fundamental rights
can be done in various ways. The courts can issue various kinds of writs. These writs are habeas corpus, mandamus,
prohibition, quo warrant and certiorari. When a national or state emergency is declared, this
right is suspended by the central Government.
Right to property was originally a fundamental right, but is now a legal right.
The Directive
Principles of State Policy, embodied in Part IV of the Constitution, are
directions given to the State to guide the establishment of an economic and
social democracy, as proposed by the Preamble.
The State is expected to keep these principles in mind while framing laws and
policies, even though they are non-justifiable in nature. The Directive Principles may be classified under
the following categories: ideals that the State ought to strive towards
achieving; directions for the exercise of legislative and executive power; and
rights of the citizens which the State must aim towards securing
· Article 37, while stating that the Directive Principles are
not enforceable in any court of law, declares them to be "fundamental to
the governance of the country" and imposes an obligation on the State to
apply them in matters of legislation.
· Article 38 emphasize the positive duty of the State to
promote the welfare of the people by affirming social, economic and political
justice, as well as to fight income inequality and ensure individual dignity, in order to ensure equitable
distribution of land resources.
· Article 39 lays down certain principles of policy to be
followed by the State, including providing an adequate means of livelihood for
all citizens, equal pay for equal work for men and women, proper working conditions, reduction of
the concentration of wealth and means of production from the hands of a few,
and distribution of community resources to "sub serve the common good,
· Article 39A requires the State to provide free legal aid to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are
available to all citizens irrespective of economic or other disabilities. .Article
40 states The State shall also work for organization of village panchayats and help
enable them to function as units of self-government.
· Article 41 states The State shall Endeavour to provide the right to work, to education and
to public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement, within the limits of
economic capacity.
· Article
42 provide for just and humane conditions of
work and maternity relief.
· Article 43 The State should also ensure living wage and
proper working conditions for workers, with full enjoyment of leisure and social and cultural
activities. Also, the promotion of cottage industries in rural areas is one of the obligations of the State.
· Article 43A The State
shall take steps to promote their participation in management of industrial
· Article
45 provides free and compulsory education to all
children till they attain the age of 14 years. This directive regarding education of children was added by
the 86th Amendment Act, 2002.
· Article
46 states State should and work for the economic and
educational upliftment of castes,
scheduled and other weaker sections of the society.
· Article 47 commit the State to raise the level of nutrition
and the standard of living and to improve public health, particularly by
prohibiting intoxicating drinks and drugs injurious to health except for
medicinal purposes.
· Article 48 State
should organize agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines
by improving breeds and prohibiting slaughter of cows, calves, other mulch and draught cattle
· Article 48A State should protect and improve the
environment and safeguard the forests and wild life of the country. This
directive, regarding protection of forests and wildlife was added by the 42nd Amendment Act, 1976.
· Article 49 it shall be the obligation of the State to protect
the monuments, places and objects of historic and artistic interest and
national importance against destruction and damage.
· Article
50 states for the separation of judiciary from
executive in public services
· Article 51 ensure that the State shall strive for the
promotion and maintenance of international peace and security, just and honorable
relations between nations, respect for international law and treaty
obligations, as well as settlement of international disputes by arbitration.
4.Fundamental Duties
The Fundamental Duties are a novel feature of the Indian Constitution in recent times.
Originally, the Constitution of India did not contain these duties. The Forty
Second Constitution Amendment Act, 1976 has incorporated ten Fundamental Duties
in Article 51(A) of the constitution of India. The Eighty-Six Constitution
Amendment Act, 2002 has added one more Fundamental Duty in Article 51(A) of the
constitution of India. As a result, there are now 11 Fundamental Duties of the
citizen of India.
The following are the Eleven
Fundamental Duties of every citizen of India:
(a) To abide by the
Constitution and respect the National Flag and the National Anthem;
(b) To cherish and follow
the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom;
(c) To uphold and protect
the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India;
(d) To defend the country
and render national service when called upon to do so;
(e) to promote harmony and
the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all people of India transcending
religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities and to renounce
practices derogatory to the dignity of women;
(f) To value and preserve
the rich heritage of our composite culture;
(g) To protect and improve
the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life and to
have compassion for living creatures;
(h) To develop the
scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform;
(i) To safeguard public
property and to abjure violence;
(j) To strive towards
excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity, so that the
nation constantly rises to higher levels of Endeavour and achievement."
(k) To provide
opportunities for education by the parent the guardian, to his child, or a ward
between the age of 6-14 years as the case may be.
Some other
Provisions of the Constitution.
Article 226: Power of High Courts to issue certain Writs
Article 300A: No Person shall be deprived of his property save by authority of law.
Article 325: No person to be ineligible for inclusion in or to
claim to be included in a special, electoral roll o grounds of religion, race,
caste or sex.
Article 326: Elections to the House of the People and to the
Legislative Assemblies of States to be on the basis of adult suffrage.
Chronology of events/Indian
Laws regarding human rights in India.
The following is a
list of some of the important national statutes which have a bearing on the
promotion/protection of human Rights in India.
1829 – The practice of sati was
formally abolished by Governor
General William Bentick after years of campaigning
by Hindu reform movements such as
the Brahmo Samaj ofRam Mohan Roy against
this orthodox Hindu funeral custom of self-immolation of widows after the death
of their husbands.
1871 - Criminal Tribes Act 1871, was repealed by the government in 1952
and replaced by Habitual Offenders Act (HOA) (1952)
1923 – Workmen’s Compensation Act.
1926 – Trade Unions Act
1929 – Child Marriage Restraint Act,
prohibiting marriage of minors under 14 years of age is passed.
1933 – Children (Pledging of Labor) Act – Prohibit
the pledging of the labor of children and the employment of children whose
labor has been pledged.
1936 – Payment of Wages Act
1942 – Weekly Holidays Act.
1946 – Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act.
1947 – Industrial Disputes Act.
1948 – Minimum Wages Act.
1948 - ESI
1948 - Factories
1950 – The Constitution of India establishes a
sovereign democratic republic with universal adult franchise. Part 3 of the
Constitution contains a Bill of Fundamental Rights enforceable by the
Supreme Court and the High Courts. It also provides for reservations for
previously disadvantaged sections in education, employment and political
1950 – Caste Disabilities Removal Act.
1952 – Criminal Tribes Acts repealed by
government, former "criminal tribes" categorized as "denotified" and Habitual Offenders Act (1952)
1952 - The
Employee Provident Funds and miscellaneous Provisions Act.
1955 – Reform of family law concerning Hindus gives
more rights to Hindu women.
1955 – Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955.
1956 – Young Persons (Harmful Publications) Act –
The Act seeks to prevent the dissemination of publications which are harmful to
young persons.
1956 – Immoral Traffic Act.
1960 - Orphanages and other Charitable Home
(Supervision and Control) Act.
1960 – Children Act.
1961 – Apprentices Act.
1961 – Maternity Benefit Act. This is an Act to
provide maternity benefits, etc and to regulate employment of women in certain
establishments for certain periods before and after child birth.
1961 – Dowry Prohibition Act. This is an Act to
prohibit the evil practice of giving and taking of dowry.
1966 - Beedi
and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1966
1971 – Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act.
1973 – Supreme Court of India rules in Kesavananda Bharati case that
the basic structure of the Constitution (including many fundamental rights) is
unalterable by a constitutional amendment.
1976 – Equal Remuneration Act.
1976 - Beedi
Workers Welfare Fund Act
1976 – Bonded Labor (System) Abolition Act –The Act
provides for the abolition of bonded labor system to prevent the economic and
physical exploitation of the weaker sections of the people.
1978 – SC rules in Menaka Gandhi v. Union of
India that the right to life under Article 21 of the Constitution cannot
be suspended even in an emergency.
1985-6 – The Shah Bano case,
where the Supreme Court recognized the Muslim woman's right to maintenance upon
divorce, to nullify the decision of the Supreme Court, the Rajiv Gandhi government
enacted The Muslim
Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act 1986
1986 – Environmental Protection Act.
1986 – Juvenile Justice Act.
1986 – Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation)
1986 – Indecent Representation of Women
(Prohibition) Act. This Act to prohibit incent representation of women through
advertisements or in publications, writings, paintings, figures, or in any
other manner.
1987 – Mental Health Act. – The Act regulates
determination of lunacy, reception, care and treatment of mentally ill persons.
1987 – Commission of Sati (prevention) Act. This is
an Act for effective prevention of the commission of Sati and its
1987 – National Commission for Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes. Article 338 of the
Constitution requires constitution of the National Commission for SC’s and ST’s
for better protection of the rights of the members of the Scheduled Casted and
Scheduled Tribes.
1989 – Scheduled
Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 is
1990 – National Commission for Women Act,
1990. An Act to constitute a National
Commission for Women for better protection of the rights of women.
1992 – A constitutional amendment establishes Local
Self-Government (Panchayati Raj) as a third tier of governance
at the village level, with one-third of the seats reserved for women.
Reservations were provided for scheduled castes and tribes as well.
1992 – National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992
An Act to constitute a National Commission for Minorities for better protection
of the rights of the minorities.
1993 – National Human Rights Commission is
established under the Protection of Human Rights Act.
1993 – The SAARC Convention (Suppression of
Terrorism) Act.
1993 – Employment of Manual Scavengers and
Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993 It provides for the
prohibition of all manual scavengers as well as construction or continuance of
dry latrines and for the regulation of construction and maintenance of
water-seal latrines.
1994 - The Transplantation of Human Organs Act.
1994 – The Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques
(Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act.
2001 – Supreme Court passes extensive orders to
implement the right to food.
2005 – A powerful Right to Information Act is passed to
give citizen's access to information held by public authorities.
2005 – National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act (NREGA) guarantees universal right to employment.
2006 – Supreme Court orders police reforms.
2009 – Delhi High
Court declares that Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code,
which outlaws a range of unspecified "unnatural" sex acts, is
unconstitutional when applied to homosexual acts between private consenting
individuals, effectively decriminalizing homosexual relationships in India.
April 2010 -
The Right of children to Free and Compulsory Education Act came into force. This
is a historic day for the people of India as from this day the right to
education will be accorded the same legal status as the right to life as
provided by Article 21A of the Indian Constitution. Every child in the age
group of 6-14 years will be provided 8 years of elementary education in an age
appropriate classroom in the vicinity of his/her neighborhood.
2012 – Direct Cash Transfer Scheme launched.
2012 - Chhattisgarh
Legislative Assembly passed the Food Security Bill aimed at providing food and
nutritional security to around 50 lakh families in the state.
Human Rights A source Book –NCERT
Indian Constitution
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